Monday, June 2, 2008


Hello everyone. Tonight is our last night in France and we had a great day in Nice. As you all know last night we took the night train from Paris to Nice and it sucked! We didnt get too much sleep and it was really uncomfortable. Despite the night train Nice is extremely "Nice"! The beaches are really beautiful and the water is really blue. It definately doesnt feel like we are in France. The only downfall here is that the beaches are all rocks and not a lot of sand. This really takes a toll on your feet. Today we also took the bus to Monaco which wasnt too spectacular unless your really rich and you like to gamble. But the bus ride was worth it because the views were AMAZING! Tomorrow we are heading into Italy and our first stop is Genoa. We hope to eat a lot of Genoa salami and hopefully there will be some cool things to see there. The following day we are going to Lucca where we will be renting bikes to ride around the city wall. After that its off to Pisa and Florence. We dont know when the next time we will have internet access so we might not update for a while. Hope everyone is doing fine in the states and so long for now!

Melissa and Orry


Anonymous said...

Hi Melissa and Orry:

Sounds like you are having a full range of experiences mostly good but the bad ones like the night train you will certainly remember forever and probably talk about also. so it's all good.
Saturday we are going to Cape May, Uncle Frank had a memorial stone made for Aunt Grace and we are going to have put it somewhere along the bay where we used to hang out when we were kids. It will be nice - I really miss her.

Allie is here and she says hey and she has a goldfish; she had two but one died. she really likes having them as pets, the fishbowl is in her room at Mommy's.

Be safe - Love daddy

Anonymous said...

Hi guys. Pictures from Nice are great. I did that drive to Monaco when I was younger than you are, and I still remember how beautiful it was.

When you get to Florence, I highly recommend the David, even if the wait is long. Il duomo is cool as well.

Have some gelato for me!

Love, Janet

Anonymous said...

hahaha i bet orry has sensitive feet. i can't wait to see the pictures from italy. i miss you's not the same around here without you!


Anonymous said...

i miss you guys. be safe. i love you.

love david

Bridget Errante said...

Hey guys! It's Bridget here. As the token Italian friend, I'd like to give you both some simple Italian phrases that you may find useful on your trip:

- Voglio pancetta, per favore. = I want bacon, please.

- Hai biglietti per la esposizione del pistole? = Do you have tickets to the gun show?

- Che cosa odore? = What smells?

I hope you find these phrases helpful! Have fun guys (I'm so jealous)!
