Bonjour! We are here in Paris for a 3rd night. We have done so many things these past few days and we have soooo many pictures. We took a D-Day tour in Bayeux on Wednesday. The tour was awesome, we here some great stories, visited Utah and Omaha beaches, and finally ended the day at the American Cemetery. We stayed in Bayeux for about 2 days, it is a very cute little town. There we saw the Bayeux tapestry, which is very very old and tells the story of the Normans invasion of England. We also met up with Dana in Bayeux where she took the D-Day tour with us.
So for the past 3 days we have been in Paris. Our first day we went to the Notre Dame, which was okay, we sort of expected more. Later that night we had our first French pastry, which was soooo good. Yesterday we got up early and went to Versailles. That was probably our favorite part of our trip so far. The gardens, the palace, and Marie Antoinette's estate were so amazing. We were especially amazed by Marie Antoinette's estate. Her estate was huge and we probably spent about a good 2 hours walking around that alone. I dont even think we got to see all of it (Janet, next time you come here you definitely have to see her estate. I think that was my favorite part of Versailles). After Versailles we went to the Louvre. The Mona Lisa wasn't too amazing, we expected more from that too. The Venus de Milo was definitely worth seeing though. Today we went to the cemetery where Jim Morrison is buried. We visited his grave and also Edith Piaf. Later on we climbed the Arc de Triumph, we got to see pretty much the whole city from that view but it was overcast so the view wasnt to great. We just got back from seeing the Eiffel Tower. We took the elevator all the way to the top and it was an AMAZING view. When we went back down we got a chance to watch the tower sparkle. Tomorrow all the museums are free so we will probably be museum hopping all day and then we are taking the night train to Nice. We hope all is well with everyone. Keep in touch.
Love, Melissa and Orry